Avalon Power and Sail Squadrons and ESL Marine Supplies Ltd. Launch Safety Equipment Education and Flare Disposal Day
Friday September 20 th , 2019 from 8:30 – 4:30
Have Your Flares Expired?
If your flares have a manufacture date of 2015 or earlier, they have or will expire this
year. You can’t light them, throw them in the water or in your household garbage to
dispose of them.
Disposing of expired flares has been an ongoing dilemma for boaters across the
country. To help boaters dispose of expired flares in a safe and environmentally
responsible manner CPS-ECP and selected CIL Dealers are hosting Safety Equipment
Education and Flare Disposal Days. On these days, you will be offered the opportunity to
learn about required safety equipment and you can bring your outdated flares to be
properly disposed of, free of charge.
In accordance with Transport Canada requirements, flares are approved for four years
from the date of manufacture. Typically, this means that boaters need to replace their
flares every third or fourth boating season. If they have a manufacture date of 2011 or
earlier they have expired or will expire during this boating season, boaters are required
to replace them… it’s the law!
There are four types of flares:
- Type A – Rocket Parachute,
- Type B – Multi-Star,
- Type C– Hand-Held,
- Type D – Smoke Signal.
For further information on the different
characteristics of each type, and the quantity required for your vessel, please refer to the
Safe Boating Guide at: www.boatingsafety.gc.ca.
WHO: Avalon Power and Sail Squadron
WHAT: Canadian Power and Sail Squadron Safety Equipment Education and
Flare Disposal Day
WHERE 51 Clyde Ave. Mount Pearl A1N 4R8
WHEN: Friday September 20 th , 2019 from 8:30 – 4:30
For a list of Safety Equipment Education and Flare Disposal Days and locations visit:
www.cpsboat.ca or call 1-888-CPS-BOAT